We care about each piece of data as if it could affect our own children, ensuring educators have the quality information they need to guide student success. Work with us
- 12.6M students tested
- 150.2M scanned sheets of paper
Operations requirements of the 2009—10 through 2017—18 California English Language Development Tests

Whether we are scanning, scoring, and reporting student responses and assessments, handling documents, backing up files, or managing project schedules—the individuals at Educational Data Systems have a shared vision that our jobs impact real students and their success. This core value is what drives us to work as hard as we do and guides the decisions we make every day. Students are more than numbers; we care about more than numbers.

- 103M constructed-response items scored
- 30.3M student reports printed
Volume of tests processed in the last nine years
We have been partnering with Educational Data Systems since 2000. We would not have been able to deliver our high quality MAC/MARS performance assessments and reports without them. They have been wonderful at communicating and supporting our member school districts and charter school networks. They continue to innovate and provide high quality data management tools to our work and our members.
David Foster, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative
- 0% data loss
- 99.9% network uptime
Reliability of computer networks in last ten years
You will receive quarterly updates with links to our most recent research reports, publications and blog posts. See our privacy policy.
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